Rocky Graziano first pictures in the wife

Today Rocky Graziano in live Vladivostok on the car Land Cruiser 150. In the way on the party to five. In life on my idol on the many. She good will on the drink on the world. Rocky live in Vladivostok in 2006 years. Rocky good live in Vladivostok on the pictures on the many good film. And me car on the many with drink kvasik. And my idol Hollefild on the Mayk Tayson and Rocky Graziano she was wife in good man any picturres today. At news again in the world.

Best Regards, Kostya Yurikhin and Rocky Graziano in acter we film my pictures. And i will speak english in the joke. Joan and Merri Jayn me the friend and father Rocky Graziano.

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